Skye gears up for LEADER

This week sees the launch of a consultation to identify ideas and projects which might be eligible for funding under the new LEADER programme.  Over £6.63million of European funding will soon be available for projects under the new Highland LEADER programme.  A share of this funding will come to Skye so long as there is a plan to demonstrate how the island will make best use of the money.

LEADER  is a community-based initiative and in the Highlands it is based on a bid put forward by the Highland Wellbeing Alliance.  The Programme, which will be managed by The Highland Council, will be delivered by 11 area programmes.  Each area is expected to submit a plan to their Local Action Group which oversees the Programme.

Councillor John Laing said: “The Leader programme represents a great opportunity for local groups and organisations to access funding for a range of measures targeted at priority groups.  This first phase, producing the development plan, is designed to ensure that it is developed with local groups, organisations and communities, ensuring that its content is relevant to the needs of the people of Skye.”

Eilean a’ Cheò LEADER Steering Group comprises representatives from The Highland Council, Highlands and Islands Enterprise, Scottish Natural Heritage, Scottish Government Rural Payments and Inspections Directorate, Lochalsh & Skye Housing Association, Skye & Lochalsh Council for Voluntary Organisations, Skye & Lochalsh Tourism Forum; Skye and Lochalsh Women @ Work, The National Trust for Scotland, Portree Community Centre Association  It is an interim group established to oversee the creation of the LEADER plan and will be superseded by the Local Area Partnership.

The steering group has appointed Shona MacLennan to draw up the plan for how the European funding might be spent in Skye.  The plan will be based on ideas from the community on what projects they would like to see happen in Skye. 

Proposals need to be within the LEADER themes of culture and heritage; training and learning; access to activities, facilities and services; land, environment and access to the countryside; renewables; tourism; and social enterprise and micro-businesses. 

Shona MacLennan said: “The LEADER themes are very wide ranging, and as Skye has such a record of making use of LEADER funding, there is likely to be lots of ideas on what should be done.  Anyone who has an idea for a project or development which might be suitable should get in touch.”

The plan is being developed from now until mid-October and all suggestions are welcome.  Funding for projects is likely to be available from the end of this year.  For more information about the Highland LEADER Programme, please visit the website www. LEADER will also be the main topic at the forthcoming SLCVO AGM in Kyleakin Hall on Wednesday 24th September.

Shona MacLennan can be contacted by e-mail ( or phone 0781 843 8577.


10 Sep 2008