Roadworks on Kenneth Street

Drivers, pedestrians and local residents are being advised that work will start on Monday (15 September) to construct a new traffic island on Kenneth Street at its junction with Tomnahurich Street.

The work is required as part of the recently introduced one-way restriction and one completed the traffic island will clearly define the separation between left-turn or ahead traffic and vehicles intending to turn right.

Work will last for a week and every effort will be made to keep any inconvenience to a minimum.  The restriction should only really impact on traffic using (Little) Kenneth Street.  Access for pedestrians across the junction area, between the Off-licence and the Bank, will be managed by the Contractor.

The Council has issued a letter to local residents advising them of the work and informing them that certain permit parking bays will temporarily be out of use so arrangements have been made for permit holders to use other bays in the area during this period.


10 Sep 2008