Fire damage at Inverness Aquadome Update

Following on from the fire which closed Inverness Leisure yesterday [Saturday], James Martin General Manager commented, “We have now had the opportunity to further assess the damage in the plant room caused by the fire.

 “Although we will need to wait on specialists to assess the area to confirm the cause of the fire, it would appear from discussions from the Fire-Fighters that this has been an electrical fire in a control panel that operates the wave machine and other fun features in our Leisure Waters.

He continued, “I have now had a chance to meet earlier this morning with Ian Murray, Head of Community Learning and Leisure, who visited the centre on behalf of Highland Council as the Landlord to see the damage caused.

“In addition to the actual damage in the plant room areas, there will also be a substantial clean-up in all areas of the pools halls as a result of the residue left on surfaces by the smoke.  Obviously with a building of this size and the heights involved, the clean-up will also need specialist teams and equipment.

In relation to the facility re-opening, he said, “We obviously have to wait on discussions with the insurance specialists in this area.  However, having now had the chance to properly assess the area where the fire took hold, I would say that any hopes of any early re-opening to the facility in the next week now looks unlikely.

“I can assure our customers that we will do all that we can to work with our insurers to minimise any disruption.  We will continue to communicate through the local press and media with any updates as we get them.

Concluding, Mr Martin said, “The dryside of Inverness Leisure is fully open for business as usual and has been unaffected by the incident that occurred in the other side of the facilities.  We would thank our customers for their support and understanding during this difficult time for the team at Inverness Leisure.”

15 Sep 2008