Land Contamination At Joss Street, Invergordon

A total of 34 residents whose homes at 25 – 71 Joss Street, Invergordon stand on a contaminated former gasworks site, have been advised today (Thursday) that following thorough examination and assessments, Highland Council officials propose to recommend demolition of their properties and full remediation of the site.

According to the officials this is the only option which effectively deals with all aspects of contamination.

Letters, hand-delivered by representatives of the Highland Council, advise them that this recommendation will be presented to the Council’s Transport Environmental and Community Services Committee on Thursday (17 November).

The residents have been advised that, should the Committee approve this option, discussions with residents can then be entered into regarding their legal rights and re-housing needs so that residents can be offered alternative accommodation as quickly as possible.

A drop-in facility has been arranged at the Joss Street Hall, Invergordon between 2.30 pm and 4 pm, and 6 pm and 8 pm today (Thursday, 10 November) and tomorrow (Friday) between 3pm and 5pm, to give residents an opportunity to discuss matters with Council staff.

Mr Alistair Thompson, Head of Environmental Health said: "The option to demolish the properties and fully remediate the site obviously has major implications for the residents. However it is the only one which effectively deals with all aspects of the contamination. The Committee report therefore recommends that the properties should be demolished and the site fully remediated."

The letter to residents updates them on the remediation options appraisal for land contamination, identified during investigations and assessments carried out during the last year.

The land contamination problems relate to the presence of a former gasworks on site and the historic legacy that the contaminants arising from this activity have left for the Council and residents.

The letter refers to the results of an appraisal carried out by the Directors of Housing and TEC Services into options for remediation of site contamination.

Five options for remediation of the site vary from removing a shallow depth of soil from the garden areas around the properties to demolition of the properties and full remediation of the site.

Importantly, all of the partial remediation works would leave some contamination on site and indeed directly below the properties. Anything less than full remediation of the site would also require residents to vacate the properties for up to two months and then moving back in after the work was complete.


19 Apr 2006