Preferred Site for Highland Gallery and Museum identified

The Royal Mail’s Sorting Office in Inverness, has been identified as the preferred site for a new Highland Gallery and Museum by The Highland Council’s Inverness City Committee.

The estimated cost of the gallery and museum development at the Strother’s Lane site is £14.6 million.

The Sorting Office was one of five sites examined in a second round of public engagement by the Council. Other sites considered were at Bridge Street, Castle Street, Midmills Buildings and the Northern Meeting Park.

After discussion, the Committee agreed:

• to notify the Council’s Education, Culture and Sport Committee that the preferred site for the Highland Gallery and Museum is the Royal Mail Sorting office; and
• Council officers be asked to identify other possible sites while they progress discussions with Royal Mail.

Members also agreed to a motion by Depute Provost Councillor Peter Corbett that the Northern Meeting Park be deleted from the list of preferred sites to be recommended to the Council’s Education Culture and Sport Committee.



16 Sep 2008