Land Contamination Update

Members of The Highland Council’s Transport, Environmental and Community TEC Services Committee today (Thursday 17th November, 2005) agreed that the Council will demolish the homes of 34 residents at 25 -71 Joss Street in Invergordon and carry out full remediation of the site which was a former gasworks.

Five options for remediation of the site were presented to members with the options varying from removing a shallow depth of soil from the garden areas around the properties to demolition of the properties and full remediation of the site. Council officials advised that demolition and full remediation is the only option which effectively deals with all aspects of contamination.

Approval was also given for Council officers to begin detailed discussions and negotiations with residents regarding their housing requirements including the purchase of owner occupied flats.

The total cost of demolition of the properties and decontamination of the site, combined with re-housing of and compensation for residents is £2.596 million.

Initial estimates of compensation for Council tenants are £6,500 per household (£1,500 for home loss and £5,000 disturbance allowance). Private owner compensation will comprise of the value of their home plus £5,000 home loss payment and £5,000 disturbance allowance.

Local Highland Councillor John Connell said: "I am glad for the residents of Joss Street and for the whole town of Invergordon that we have come to a conclusion and we can now move on. This is all about the health and well-being of not just this generation but future generations and the option to demolish and fully remediate was the only option.

"I would like to thank our staff in Housing and TEC Services who have worked very closely on this together right from the beginning and to all the residents for their patience and understanding."


19 Apr 2006