Launch Of Pathways To Employment

A new employment initiative will be officially launched in Lochaber on Thursday (17 November). Based at Lochaber College, Fort William, Pathways to Employment is a project aimed at helping people who are recovering from drug and or alcohol misuse get back into work.

Since being established earlier this year, it has recorded a number of successes, supporting 11 people into employment.

Also on offer is training, employment taster sessions as well as fitness, healthy living and volunteering opportunities.

Pathways works closely with Lochaber agencies and service providers and recently held an awareness event.

Project co-ordinator, Alyson Smith, said: "The programme aims to meet the needs of individuals, enabling them to take control again of their own lives, to guide them through the network of support in Lochaber, support their decisions and offer encouragement and motivation.  We offer one to one or group support to build confidence and self esteem and to create the opportunity to relearn social skills that have been damaged or sometimes lost.

"By building self esteem and recognising the many positives instead of negatives, people will regain self value, and with the various options of safe steps through participation, voluntary work, community work and placements. And by being supported by a trained mentor, employment becomes part of that rehabilitation. "

Councillor Olwyn Macdonald, Convener of The Highland Council’s Lochaber Area Committee,  said: "I am excited by this project and want to encourage people who are struggling with substance misuse to take the next step and grasp this excellent opportunity to find their own pathway back where they belong in our society."

Pathways to Employment is supported by the Big Lottery Fund and The Highland Council and is based at Lochaber College, An Aird, Fort William. It is open 9 – 5 pm Monday – Friday.

19 Apr 2006