Inspection of Standards and Quality in Kingussie High School

A report by Her Majesty’s Inspectors of Education on the 400 pupil Kingussie High School, commends the effective start made by its new head teacher; the well-behaved, courteous pupils who attend the school; the wide range of extra-curricular activities available to pupils; the quality of support for pupil learning and the partnerships which exist with parents, agencies and the communities served by the school.

The report says the school has a broad, well-balanced and good quality curriculum at all stages. Pupils were found to be well-behaved and conscientious, working steadily in their classes. The school’s plans to further extend curricular provision at S3/4 and S5/6 were noted and the school’s overall quality of attainment which was judged to be good. English and Mathematics subjects were rated as benefiting from very effective teaching and learning.

Pupils also benefited from a wide range of opportunities for wider achievement. Individuals and teams had gained notable success in sports such as skiing, sailing and football. Many pupils took part in additional activities within the school including music, drama, enterprise activities, hospitality training, charity and environmental work. These contributed to the very good ethos within Kingussie High School.

The school’s arrangements for pastoral care and support for learning were also judged as very good. The promotion of high standards of achievement and the above-average attendance records of pupils were recognised. In almost all areas pupil attainment in national examinations was at or above national standards.

The school had very good links with parents, with the School Board and with the wider community, including regular newsletters, a column in the local weekly newspaper and a very good school website were also commended.

The good leadership of the Head Teacher, Eddie Broadley, and his management team was noted. His very good relationships with pupils, staff and parents and his clear, strong and appropriate vision for the future of the school, are highlighted.

The report drew attention to a number of points for action identified during the inspection, including the need to - review elements of the school accommodation, to refine approaches to self-evaluation and ensure consistently high levels of expectation and attainment through, for example, the setting of more detailed targets for individual pupils. It recommended, for example, that the school improve the structure and delivery of the PSE (Personal and Social Education) and RMS (Religious and Moral Studies) programmes to ensure it takes full account of the need to improve approaches to the promotion of equality and fairness.

Mr Broadley said: "I am very pleased that the report highlights the achievements and qualities of staff and pupils and sets the agenda for improvement in the coming years. Since starting here last October, I have been impressed with the dedication of the school staff and with the positive relationships the school enjoys with parents and our communities."

Joanna Gilliat, Chairperson of the School Board said, "This is generally a very positive inspection report, with praise for the head teacher, the staff and the pupils of our school.  It’s pleasing to see that both support for pupils and the relationship of the school with parents and the community were felt to be "very good", while standards of teaching and achievement were felt to be "good".

"The report highlights a number of areas for improvement in aspects of teaching and learning and in 6th year achievement, but I know the school has already developed plans to address these issues and am confident pupils will soon be benefiting from improvements. "

Local Highland Councillors Sheena Slimon and Gregor Rimell, as regular attendees of the School Board, take a keen interest in the life and work of Kingussie High School.

Councillor Slimon said: "I was very pleased to see that Learning Support was judged to be very good. The partnership between parents, School Board and the community was also judged to be very good. The comment from the parents that the school had a good reputation in the community is very pleasing. My congratulations go to the staff, parents, pupils and the School Board."

Councillor Rimell said: "The report demonstrates clearly that the High School is striding forward and everyone is playing their part. I hope that they are proud to be associated with the HM Inspectors’ report."


25 Apr 2006