Multi Agency Partners Look Ahead to a Safe Belladrum 2009

Partner agencies are looking forward to what they hope will be another safe year at Belladrum music festival.

Previous years have seen few incidents of thefts, public disorder and drug or alcohol related incidents, but emergency organisations are not being complacent.

Event Commander, Superintendent Ian Arnott commented:  "We will, as we have in previous years, have a noticeable presence at the event over the duration of the festival.

"Our officers will continue to replicate our community based style of policing, which has worked well in the past.  We will be working to ensure the safety of those in attendance but must urge people to take responsibility for the safety of themselves and their friends.

"By taking simple measures such as organising your transport prior to the event and making sure that you have a means of getting safely home, keeping all possessions on your person and leaving valuables at home will see you more likely to enjoy the event."

Police will be continuing their pro-active, intelligence led approach to drugs at the event and members of the public are advised to report any drug dealing activity to the nearest Police officer.

Superintendent Arnott added:  "We know that everyone attending wants to make the most of the weekend and enjoy themselves, but we would urge that people do so in moderation when it comes to consumption of alcohol as we want you to stay safe and enjoy Belladrum for the right reasons."

Highlands and Islands Fire and Rescue Service, Station Manager, Derek Wilkie, added:  "There was an incident last year that involved a travel cooker and we would like to remind people of the dangers of using any flammable materials inside or close to a tent.  We would urge festival goers to make use of open space available and cook away from tents.

"Obviously people will be enjoying themselves and having some alcohol, but we would like to ask if you have, the safest option is to make use of food vendors at the event.

"We all want you to come and enjoy what has become a well recognised annual music event in the Highlands and would just ask that you try and stay safe to make sure you make the most of the event."

4 Aug 2009