Rangers spot Northern Green dragon at Little Assynt

Seasonal Highland Council Countryside Ranger in Assynt, Tina Lloyd-Jenkins recently led a guided walk to Little Assynt in search of the elusive “Great Northern Green Dragon”. Forty adults and children accompanied her on her quest. 

It was an atmospheric day with low lying mist. The habitat was perfect and it wasn’t long before one of the children saw a suspicious footprint in the mud. Weird and eerie calls were heard behind a small clump of birch trees increasing the tension. After claw marks were seen on the bark, many of the children were starting to get worried.

Tina explained that: “Many years ago remote north west Scotland was a stronghold for dragons. Although many species were hunted to extinction a small sub species of dragon hung on in isolated places. They learned to be very shy but very quick when disturbed. Many locals did not even know they existed.”

The highlight was when the intrepid team located an active nest with several large eggs.

The Great Northern Green Dragon walk was a fun family event organised by Highland Council’s Rangers as part of their programme of guided walks and events which take place throughout the summer. This year has seen a huge increase in the public uptake of these walks.

Little Assynt is a community owned estate near lochinver run by the Culag community woodland. A network of paths has been built suitable for all-abilities.

For more information contact: Andy Summers, Senior Ranger for Sutherland, The Highland Council Ranger Service 01571 844654 andy.summers@highland.gov.uk


5 Aug 2009