Scottish Qualification Results 2009 - Highland

Initial indications are that Highland pupils have once again done well in their Scottish Qualification Authority exams.

Overall results at the end of the pupils’ fourth year represent an improving picture. 95.4% Highland pupils have gained awards in English at level 3 or better and 95.7% have gained this in Mathematics. These are the best results over the last 3 years. 91.7% of pupils have gained 5 or more awards at this level. This again is an improvement on last year’s figure. Level 3 represents Standard Grade Foundation or Access 3 Awards.

Level 4 is Standard Grade General and Intermediate 1 awards and here 80.4 % of pupils have achieved this level or better. This is also the best performance over the last 3 years. At level 5 (Standard Grade Credit, Intermediate 2) the performance at 37.6% is roughly the same as last year (37.7%) and better than the previous year (35.6%). In addition, 26 pupils gained at least one level 6 award (Higher) in S4.

The fifth year results are provisional since the Highers passed in fourth year have not yet been incorporated.  The results in S5 are very encouraging with 43.1% of pupils gaining at least one Higher A – C award, 24.9% gaining at least 3 awards and 11.2% gaining at least 5 awards. These are the best results The Highland Council has had over the three year period.

Sixty four Highland pupils gained at least 5 Higher awards at grade A. This represents a major increase from the pattern of the last 2 years (44 and 43 pupils respectively). In sixth year 12.4% of pupils gained at least one award at Advanced Higher this is roughly consistent with the past 2 years (12% and 13%).

Hugh Fraser, Director of The Highland Council’s Education, Culture and Sport Service said: “We are presently in the process of verifying the results with our schools. If the accuracy is confirmed, then this will be a very encouraging picture for schools and pupils in Highland. If we take into account the significant improvements on broader achievement and other important awards that are not normally reflected in SQA exam statistics, I think that we will have much to celebrate.

"All of this reflects the standards of learning and teaching, the hard work and dedication of staff, young people and their families. SQA Exam results are a milestone in learning from preschool through primary, secondary and special schools and all have contributed to the success of each and every young person.”


5 Aug 2009