Highland Youth work receives Council support for future direction

The future direction of Youth Work in the Highlands was endorsed today by members of The Highland Council’s Education, Culture and Sport Committee, who also commented on the positive impact youth work was having on their communities.

Progress in five key areas of Youth Work was highlighted to Council members and the future focus of these areas outlined, including:

Commenting on youth work and youth workers in the Highlands Catriona Burns, Highland Youth Convener said: “We must not underestimate the positive effect a youth work project or youth club can have on a young person’s life. Without youth workers, the work that goes on in the Highlands simply couldn’t go ahead.

“Youth activities can be fun or distracting for the young people involved but it also gives them the opportunity to learn new skills, build self confidence, or discover talents that they never knew they had. This is an important part of modern youth work: not simply just to provide a distraction for young people to stop them ‘hanging around’ but to help them develop skills and become active citizens in their community at a much younger age.

“The young people our youth workers are supporting today will be shaping the world we live in for years to come, and if we invest in them now we will see the rewards.”

For further information please contact: Pablo Mascarenhas, Principal Adult and Youth Services Officer, The Highland Council tel: (01463) 702026

6 Aug 2009