Highlands and Islands Strategic Co-ordinating Group

Members of the Highlands and Islands Strategic Co-ordinating Group ( HISCG) have welcomed the publication of the Audit Scotland report titled ‘Improving civil contingencies planning’.

The Chair of the Highlands and Islands SCG, Ian Latimer (Chief Constable, Northern Constabulary) said:

"This positive report provides an independent and valuable review of Scotland’s preparedness for responding to and recovering from emergencies.  At the next meeting of the HISCG, on 26th August 2009,  HISCG member organisations will have an opportunity to discuss the report including the recommendations, with a view to implementing those that are necessary to improve the ability to prepare for and respond to emergencies in the Highlands and Islands.

" The report highlights the well developed arrangements for mutual aid in place in the Highlands and Islands and this signifies the continued close working relationships across our partner organisations which stand us in good stead in responding to major emergencies." 

The HISCG Vice Chair, Alistair Dodds (Chief Executive, The Highland Council) added:

‘It is very encouraging to see that the Highlands and Islands SCG is rated second out of the eight SCG’s across Scotland in terms of its overall effectiveness with regard a multi agency response to emergencies.  This is especially encouraging given the significant geographic and resource challenges we are presented with.

"However, the members of HISCG are not complacent in continuing to improve this important public service.  HISCG members will be identifying  any areas for improvement highlighted by the Audit Scotland report and will act upon them in order to continue to provide this high level of service and public re-assurance to all the communities of the Highlands and Islands."


6 Aug 2009