Meeting the Planners at Belladrum

The Highland Council Development Plans Team were at Belladrum Tartan Heart Festival at the weekend asking people what they would like to see in their new Highland wide Local Development Plan.

The team spoke to over 300 people during the two day event and had some great suggestions for what we should include in the new plan which will cover the big issues which affect everyone in highland. A selection of these comments will be posted on a special blog .

Graduate Planner Simon Hindson said:  “Over the weekend we were also asking young people to take part in a competition showing us how they would like Highland to look in the future.  We had some great entries and the winners will be sent their prizes in the coming days courtesy of Eden Court Theatre and Cinema and Inverness Leisure.

“The team really appreciated everyone’s feedback and we hope that people will continue to get involved in the planning system by having their say on the Highland wide Local Development Plan Main Issues Report which will be out for consultation from the 31st August.”


10 Aug 2009