Young people urged to unlock finances to help them stay on in education

Young people in the Highlands who have decided to stay on in education are being reminded by The Highland Council’s Education, Culture and Sport Service to apply now for an Education Maintenance Allowance (EMA).

The Highland Council has mailed EMA application forms for 2009-10 to young people aged 16 – 19 in its area urging them not to miss out and apply for an Education Maintenance Allowance.

Previous applicants must re-apply each academic year in order to receive their EMA.

An EMA is a weekly payment of up to £30, paid directly to eligible young people who stay on in education after they reach statutory leaving age. Young people may also be eligible for two bonuses of £150 if they remain on their course and make the necessary progress with their learning.

Councillor Bill Fernie, Chairman of The Highland Council’s Education, Culture and Sport Committee said: “It is very important that young people claim what they are entitled to especially if it encourages them to stay on and continue with their education.”

The Highland Council’s EMA Co-ordinator, Katie Moir said: "After getting their exam results some young people may have decided to stay on in education.  EMA is aimed at families on low household income therefore I would encourage all young adults aged 16-19 to apply by submitting an EMA application form for 2009-10 without delay.  We want to ensure that anyone who is eligible for an EMA takes advantage of the scheme and does not miss any deadlines which apply.”

Application forms and further information are available throughout the Highland Council area from Service Points, Service Centre 01349 886659 and the Council’s web site:

Please note young adults attending College must apply directly to the College for their funding.


10 Aug 2009