Planning For The Future At Ward Forum

Residents, Community Councils and community representatives in the Tain and Easter Ross Ward have the opportunity to say what they think the area should be like in future at their Ward Forum next Wednesday (19 August).

The Highland Council begins its consultation on Monday (17 August) on its new land use plan for the Highlands and the Tain and Easter Ross Ward Forum is the first Forum to discuss shaping what our towns, villages and countryside should look like in the future.

Simon Hindson, a Graduate Planner from the Council’s Planning and Development Service, will be at the Forum to find out what people think the main issues are over the next 20 years and to explain more about how a Highland wide Local Development Plan will be used to address these.

“As planners, it is really important for us to get a local perspective from people who know each area well.  The information and discussions that we have at the Forums and other consultation events planned will be used to fine tune the Plan to address local issues as well as Highland wide challenges,” he said.

As part of the consultation, Simon will also be at the Cromarty Firth Ward Forum on 17 September in the Saltburn Hall.

Councillor Durham said he, and his fellow Ward Councillors, hoped this would be an opportunity to influence future planning for the area.

“The consultation will be collecting peoples views on what should be done about our environment; woodlands; new houses; transport and green space.  Now if the perfect time for people to get in at the start of a Plan and to make their views known,” he said.

Phil Waite, the Council’s Access Officer will also be at the Forum to give a brief update on progress with the Core Paths Plan and its implementation in the Ward.

The Ward Forum is being held in the Nigg Village Hall on Wednesday 19 August from 7.30pm to 9.30pm with a 20-minute slot allocated at the end of the meeting for questions from the public.  Teas and coffees will be available from 7pm to 7.30pm.

Every Community Council in the Tain and Easter Ross Ward and other representative community organisations are members of the Ward Forum and have the opportunity to feed the views of their community, as discussed at their own meetings, into the subjects being covered.

Ward Forums have been set up across  the Highlands to help you have your say in what's happening in your area. The forums meet regularly in public led by the Ward Elected Members in each area. Representatives of Community Councils and partner agencies, such as the police also attend the forums.  If you have an enquiry about your Forum; would like to submit questions in advance of the meeting; or have any special requirements/needs to help you take part, please contact Carol Elliot at Tain Service Point or by phoning 01349 886643.   

More information on the Highland wide Local Development Plan consultation can be found on the Highland Council website or by contacting the Development Plans Team on (01463) 702261 or email

13 Aug 2009