New bid for Euro Funding on A855 Portree to Staffin Road

The Highland Council is to make a second bid for Euro funding to help upgrade the A 855 Portree – Staffin road to two lane status.

The Council attracted 25% funding towards the first phase of road widening improvements, which are estimated to cost £0.5 million and is seeking the same support from the European Regional Development Fund for a second phase, estimated to cost £1 million.

Councillor John Laing, Chairman of the Council’s Transport Environmental and Community Services Committee, is pleased that European funding is helping what he considers to be a lifeline rural road improvement.

He said: “We have begun the widening of this lifeline route, which is also very popular with tourists, especially those wishing to visit The Old Man of Storr.  The improvements are making a difference to travel times and the safety of journeys.

“We are hopeful that a second bid, which will enable us to continue the work, will be successful.”



14 Aug 2009