Sponsorship of City Roundabouts

Following the launch of a city roundabout sponsorship scheme in Inverness earlier this year, The Highland Council has attracted its first sponsor.

Bruce Lindsay Coal is now the official sponsor of the Inshes and Millburn roundabouts.

Provost Jimmy Gray, Chairman of The Highland Council’s Inverness City Committee, said: “Having a local company like Bruce Lindsay Coal sponsor these high profile roundabouts has ensured increased standards of landscaping but also provides an excellent opportunity for local businesses to support their local area.”

Bruce Lindsay Coal is a coal distributor in the North of Scotland, employing 30 staff at depots in Invergordon, Wick and Gamrie near Banff. These depots supply coal and smokeless fuels to homes from Caithness to Aberdeen-Shire sourced from home and abroad. The company also supply shops and garages across the area where fuels are stored in the distinctive blue Bruce Lindsay bunkers.

Alan Jamieson, General Manager for Bruce Lindsay Coal, said: “The roundabout sponsorship scheme is an ideal opportunity to support the local community in which we trade, and we are already receiving more interest from the public following the installation of our signs.”

Bruce Lindsay Coal has the contract for the two roundabouts for a minimum of three and maximum of five years. The reserve price for each roundabout was £3,500 per year.

Any businesses who are interested in bidding for the other five roundabouts included in the Council’s sponsorship scheme should contact: Debbie Maguire, Inverness City Community Works Manager tel: (01463) 703110.  The roundabouts are on Leachkin Road, the South Kessock Turning Circle and on the Inverness Trunk Link Road at Dores Road, Inshes Primary School and Old Edinburgh Road.

For further information please contact: Debbie Maguire, Community Works Manager – Inverness City tel: (01463) 703110

(The roundabout sponsorship scheme does not include roundabouts on the A9/A96 Trunk Roads which are the responsibility of Scotland Transerve and BEAR respectively.)

18 Aug 2009