Inverness Boys Win Children's Club National Lucky Dip

Dominic Ferrier and Ryan Porter, both aged 3 from Inverness have scooped the top prizes in a national lucky dip organised by The Children’s Traffic Club in Scotland and have been recognised as young champions in road safety.

The scheme rewards loyal young members for following road safety rules. The Highland Council’s Road Safety Officer, Lisa MacKellaich presented both young boys with their own mini t-shirt and a mug. She said: "We are pleased to be providing Dominic and Ryan with their prizes and congratulating them both on being a road safety champion. The Club provides free materials for children aged 3-5 to teach them about basic road safety. These materials are fun learning tools and are a great way for parents in and carers in the Highlands to communicate important safety messages to their child."

Introduced in 1995 the Children’s Traffic Club in Scotland has helped to reduce the large number of children injured on Scotland’s roads every year. The Club has also been developed to help parents teach their young children to stay safe when they are out walking, playing or travelling.

Since its launch, research has found that 81% of the Children’s Traffic Club members use pedestrian crossings compared to just 50% of non-members. In addition, crash statistics show a 12% reduction in child casualties for Traffic Club members and a 20% reduction in casualties involving children emerging from behind a vehicle. Road safety education therefore is crucial to securing the personal safety of Scottish children.

Michael McDonnell, Director of the Scottish Road Safety Campaign, which administers the Children’s Traffic Club in Scotland on behalf of the Scottish Executive, said, "Although road traffic accidents are the single biggest cause of child death due to injury in Scotland, many parents remain unaware that teaching their children about road safety can make a real difference. Unfortunately, the cost of complacency is the loss of young lives. Parents who sign up for the provision of free and practical support from the Children’s Traffic Club are actively participating in keeping their children safer on Scotland’s roads and we encourage all parents and carers to do the same. "

Membership of the Children’s Traffic Club in Scotland is free to all three year olds in Scotland. Registration forms are sent to parents on their child’s third birthday and those who join are sent a library of six books over 18 months that can be used by parents and carers to help teach children about road safety.

19 Apr 2006