Skye children’s wildlife group celebrates a successful season

A group of children gathered in Breakish Hall recently (Saturday 28 November, 2009) for the last meeting of the year for ‘SkyeLarks’, the RSPB Wildlife Explorers group for Skye and Lochalsh.

A fun morning making bird seed feeders was not the only reason for the happy faces.  Following a successful application to Awards for All Scotland, ‘SkyeLarks’ have been granted £1,642 to spend on resources for the nature club.

When Judy Paul, RSPB Scotland Youth Officer visited ‘SkyeLarks’ recently she said:  “I was delighted with the fun we all had, and would give the group leaders 10 out of 10 for their efforts. I was especially pleased to hear Gaelic being used – we believe that ‘SkyeLarks’ is the only Wildlife Explorers Group in Scotland using Gaelic as part of their activities.”

As a result of the successful funding application, the upcoming activity programme for 2010 will include sessions using bat detectors, binoculars, pond dipping nets, a moth trap and identification guides.

Since its inception five years ago ‘SkyeLarks’ has gone from strength to strength. ‘SkyeLarks’ meets monthly, and is open to all children aged 6 to 12 in Skye and Lochalsh.  It is a charitable group, run by voluntary group leaders, with the support of Highland Council’s Countryside Rangers and RSPB staff.

Anyone wishing more information on the group, or who would like to join as a member or leader, can contact Highland Council’s Countryside Rangers on 01471 822774 / 905.

1 Dec 2009