Local member visits school to support “Don’t Litter Competition”

Black Isle Councillor Bill Barclay visited Fortrose Academy with Community Council member James Cornwell to see for themselves the excellent work of the school pupils in clearing litter in their community and to find out about progress of the school’s “Don’t Litter Competition” entry.
Fortrose Academy pupils run daily litter picks with young people giving up their break time in order to pick up any litter in the area.  During the visit Billy and James met a creative team of school pupils who are developing ways to encourage people to use the bins more than the streets for disposing of litter as part of their entry in the Highland Council competition.
Councillor Billy Barclay said:  “It is heartening to see so many young people, with the backing of their school, getting involved in keeping their surroundings free of litter.  We need to make sure the message gets through to everyone that littering is unsightly,  dangerous and completely un-necessary.  I wish the Fortrose team and all the other schools good luck in the competition and I look forward to seeing the winning posters and videos.”
The Highland Council is running the competition in conjunction with Northern Constabulary, Keep Scotland Beautiful and Albyn Housing Society to promote good practice concerning litter.  The aim is to find winning short films and posters that would influence others to take care of the local environment and to dispose of litter properly.
The winning entries will be circulated to every school in the Highlands and to every local authority in Scotland.
Entries have to be in by December 31st with judging in January.  So far over 100 primary and secondary schools are involved but there is still time for other youth organisations or schools to enter. Anyone wishing to know how they can get involved should contact James Sanderson on 01349 855525.


1 Dec 2009