City community centres welcome young people

Young people in the West of Inverness are being invited in out of the cold this winter as community centres open their doors to welcome them in for two evenings a week.

Sessions are being hosted by local youth workers and volunteers on Wednesdays, 7 to 9pm, in the James Cameron Community Centre, Limetree Avenue and on Fridays, 6.30 to 8.30pm in The Bught Stop on Torvean Avenue

They are offering comfy seats, a place to hang out and the opportunity to play indoor games, buy refreshments and come up with their own ideas of what could be on offer.

Inverness High School Youth Development Officer Shona McDonald said: “To begin with most young folk just want a warm place to meet.  When and if they’d like to do more, we’re here to support them.”

The final sessions for 2009 are Friday 11 and Wednesday 16 December and anyone aged 12 to 18 years is welcome to drop in and show their interest in the doors being reopened in January 2010.

For further information leaflets are available in Inverness High School, the community centres and the High School or by telephoning
Shona on 0782 511 6484.


1 Dec 2009