Proposals for major developments on the agenda

On Tuesday (8 December) Members of the Inverness, Nairn, Badenoch and Strathspey Planning Applications and Review Committee will be asked to determine two major developments that could have a significant impact on the future of the city.

One of the important decisions will be regarding the flood defences for the River Ness.
Following consultation about flood defences, the proposal, which will be presented on Tuesday, is reduced in scale from the original application.  It involves a phased construction plan of 12 sections of defences running along both sides of the riverbank from Ness bridge to the river mouth.   Officers are recommending that planning permission be granted to erect defences along the lowest reaches of the River Ness subject to a number of detailed conditions.

Councillor Sandy Park, Convener of The Highland Council who will be chairing the Committee, said:  “November was the wettest month recorded in the UK since 1952 and with the flooding disaster in Cumbria still very much in the news, I think it is very timely that Members will be focussing on flood defences for the River Ness. Property owners should be reassured that work is being done to put measures in place to safe guard their homes and businesses.”

Another important item on Tuesday’s agenda will be the planning application for a business park on a 200 hectare site to the west and south side of Inverness Airport to be developed in four phases over the next 50 years.

The application made by Inverness Airport Business Park Ltd is ambitious and is looking to bring considerable financial benefits to the area over the next five decades.  Officers believe that if approved, this development could be at the forefront of the Highland economy’s business portfolio to attract inward investment.

Chairman of the Council’s Planning, Environment and Development Committee, Councillor Ian Ross said:  “The agenda for Tuesday shows clearly the amount of work the Planning Chair and his Committee do to bring developments and major projects forward that directly affect the environmental future and economic future of Inverness and the Highlands as a whole.  The issue of flooding is very much in people’s minds at the moment, as is the need to strengthening our economy and build up a robust plan for future business opportunities.” 

Agenda papers for the meeting are now available on The Highland Council’s website


2 Dec 2009