Festival lantern launch “delight”

The Children’s Hospice Association of Scotland have announced that the fundraising activities organised by The Highland Council as part of the Inverness Winter Festival around the City’s Christmas Lights Switch On ceremony on 22 November has raised almost £1,600.

Donations and sales from the Chinese Lantern Launch over Inverness Castle before the Christmas Lights Switch On November 22nd raised £1129.06 and a collection at the “Ding Dong Merrily Old High” carol concert raised £457.46 making a grand total of £1,586.52.

North of Scotland Fundraiser Sarah Secombes said: “We are absolutely delighted to have received such a wonderful Christmas present from the people of Inverness thanks to the kindness of the Highland Council. The support and care we offer is only possible thanks to the generosity of those who support us and will be much appreciated by the families in Inverness that we offer care and emotional support to.”



3 Dec 2009