Free school meals for more Highland pupils

The Highland Council is urging parents and carers in the Highlands not to waste their cash but to take advantage of the fact that more people are now entitled to free school meals.

Chairman of The Highland Council’s Education, Culture and Sport Committee, Councillor Bill Fernie said: “The eligibility criteria for free school meals and school clothing has been extended, and this means that some people who were previously not entitled may now be. There is money to be saved out there if only people would accept it.”

The Scottish Government extended free meal entitlement throughout Scotland in August 2009.

Parents or carers who are in receipt of both Child Tax Credit and Working Tax Credit, and have an income below the threshold for receipt of maximum Working Tax Credit, currently set by the UK Government at £6,420, are now entitled to free school lunches.

Councillor Fernie urged people with children at Highland schools to reconsider if their circumstances have changed or if they are eligible to claim.

Free school meals and assistance with school clothing can be claimed if parents/carers are receiving any one of the following:

Application forms and information sheets are available at Council Service Points, through local schools or on the council’s website at:



4 Dec 2009