Tremendous tree planting effort by volunteers

On Saturday a squad of 43 volunteers turned up at Abriachan woods to take part in a tree planting world record attempt as part of the UK wide celebrations for National Tree Week.

Abriachan Forest Trust and Glenurquhart Community library, joined forces to support this record breaking attempt so on Saturday morning a group of intrepid volunteers from Glenurquhart, Kiltarlity, Kilmorack, Dochgarroch and Inverness as well as Abriachan walked up the hill to a site in the forest. 

Ranging from two year old toddlers, some very willing teenagers, through to professional tree planters, in just one hour the group managed to plant an impressive 927 native trees in an area of clear fell.   The 0.5 hectare area was planted with alder, willow and Scot’s pine which replaces the Lodge Pole pine plantation. 

One of the organisers, Christine Matheson a librarian at Glenurquhart Community Library said:  “We would like to pass on a big thank you to all the volunteers for their great effort.  Although we didn’t manage to break the record, the spirit of community co-operation was very much evident with everyone planting enthusiastically and efficiently.

“Hopefully we will have created an area of mixed woodland which will enhance the biodiversity and scenic value of this part of the forest for future generations.  This helps the Abriachan Forest Trust to meet one of its main aims, the reforestation of the Great Glen.”  


9 Dec 2009