Wick High School feasibility study

Work is ongoing with stakeholders on the feasibility study to appraise the options open to the Council for the future of Wick High School. Those options are:

The option of refurbishment is considered to be approximately 75% of the costs of a new school and would not meet the needs of a 21st Century School therefore it is very likely it will be discounted.
The remaining two options are viable and this will be evaluated by stakeholders as part of the feasibility study.

The outcome of this evaluation, along with costs, will form the basis of the recommendations to go before The Highland Council as part of the approval process required for the project and funding by Scottish Government. The Scottish Government has committed to providing 66% of a “like for like” replacement building. For example, if a new school costing £25 m was built then the Scottish Government would provide £16.5 m and the Highland Council would contribute £8.5 m. Any additional facilities incorporated within the new school over and above what is currently provided would have to be funded wholly by the Highland Council.
The option to build a new school on the current site has a number of restrictions with respect to access, road infrastructure and ability to meet the requirements of space for sports facilities for a 850 pupil school. Therefore The Council is obliged to look at alternative sites and this is currently under consideration.

10 Dec 2009