Budget challenges highlighted by Council

The significant budget challenges facing The Highland Council over the next few years were highlighted by the Council’s Budget Leader, Councillor David Alston when the first phase of savings for 2010-11 were agreed today (Thursday 17 December).

Councillor Alston said the forecasts for 2011-12 and 2012-13 were particularly grave, with savings of £45 million required.

He said:  “The challenges we face are of a scale not experienced by local councillors for four or five decades.  They are going to be really tough. We must plan ahead for the next three years so that our Services know what lies ahead.  We also need to recognise the challenges and be prepared to make tough decisions.”

He said all Scottish public agencies faced similar challenges. Indications from the Convention of Scottish Local Authorities were that local government could face a 12% reduction in funding within four years.

At today’s meeting, the Council agreed additional savings for 2010-11 totalling £2,873,000 in its four smaller spending services, namely Chief Executive’s, Finance, Housing and Property and Planning and Development.

Savings for these services in 2011-12 will be £2.516 million and in 2012-13, £2,643 million.

Savings for the Council’s three bigger spending services, covering the three financial years, will be presented to the Council at its meeting on 11 February 2010, when the budget for 2010-11 is set.


17 Dec 2009