Two Events To Launch Youth Bank

The Ross and Cromarty Youth Forum will be launching its new Youth Bank for the area at two special events featuring live music by local bands in Ullapool and Fortrose.

Youth Bank is a young person led programme which will provide money for youth groups and individuals to run activities and projects that benefit young people. The funding for this has come from a variety of sources including North Highland Leader+, The Highland Council, HIE, the Scottish Community Foundation and Health and Happiness.

The first launch takes place at the MacPhail Centre in Ullapool on Friday December 2 and the second event in the theatre at Fortrose Academy on Wednesday December 7. Both evenings start at 7.30 p.m and are free There will be a good mix of local bands, food and banter as well as information and details about the Youth Bank and how young people can join..

Youth Development Officer for Easter Ross, Nigel Brett Young said: "What makes the Youth Bank a particularly strong piece of work is that all decisions - from planning and publicity to organisation and awarding of grants – are made by young people from across Ross and Cromarty. These two events are a great chance for young people to come along and find out more about this exciting new initiative."

19 Apr 2006