Highland 2007 major events

Highland 2007 today announced event details forming part of the programme for the year long celebration of Highland culture in 2007.

A world class events programme spanning the entire year of 2007 from January through to December will raise the profile of the Highlands on an international stage. As well as events marking the launch and closing of the year, highlights will include the following (full details given on attached sheet

The events making up the programme for Highland 2007 will showcase the Highlands as a great place to live and to visit, encouraging people to come here during the year and beyond. As well as a programme of major events, opportunities for Highland communities to design their own celebrations will be supported through funding available through the Community Programme. These grants offer support for community groups and organisations, enabling them to decide how Highland culture should be celebrated in their own area in 2007. With a total value of £4.12million for the Highlands and Islands, the community grants will encourage as many people as possible throughout the area to take part in the 2007 celebrations.

Funding for larger events is available through the Regional Events Programme. Supported by EventScotland, the Regional Events Programme funding package of £500,000 is designed to assist existing and new events in the Highlands achieve their potential in line with the aims of Highland 2007. Regional events are expected to attract visitors to the area from other parts of the country, as well as a local audience. Closing dates for the Regional Events Programme are 28 October 2005 and 28 April 2006.




20 Apr 2006