Works at Tradespark Wood, Nairn

Members of the public are being advised that environmental improvement works will be taking place at Tradespark Road, Nairn with tree surgery expected to commence on Friday 6th February.

The works are being carried out The Highland Council’s Planning and Development Service. An existing rough parking area located on Tradespark Road will be upgraded to provide a three-bay parking area with one of the bays designated for disabled parking.

In addition to upgrading the parking facilities, tree surgery works will be carried out throughout the wood for the benefit of public safety and tree health. The need for this work has been identified by a professional arborist and will include removal of dead wood from the crowns of trees and the felling of four hazardous trees.

Local Councillor and Convener of The Highland Council Sandy Park said: “Being involved in the work at Tradespark Wood over the years, I now welcome these continued improvements. This car parking facility will make it even more accessible to the wider public of Nairn which is a much valued local amenity.”

Commenting on the improvements, John Orr, Highland Council's Ranger for Inverness East and Nairn, said: “In recent years we have consulted with local people and made a range of improvements at Tradespark Wood, including the installation of an all abilities path network, picnic site, signage and litter and dog bins.

“It may be necessary to exclude the general public from the area for a limited period of time during the works and visitors are requested to comply with advisory signs that are erected to ensure safe working practices.”


3 Feb 2009