Funding For Sutherland Drug And Alcohol Projects

Issued by NHS Highland

Sutherland-based groups working with people with drug and alcohol problems are being invited to apply for funding from the Sutherland Drug and Alcohol Forum (SDAF).

The forum is a multi-agency group, which includes representatives from counselling services, Highland Council, local voluntary organisations, NHS Highland and local councillors.

It meets four times a year and its aim is to help prevent drug and/or alcohol related problems among people living in the county and to ensure the public is better informed about the abuse and misuse of drugs and alcohol.

And it currently has funding for small bids grants of up to £200 per application to support initiatives that will be of benefit to the people of Sutherland.

Forum member, Anne Keatinge, of Voluntary Groups East Sutherland, said: “It’s great that the forum can offer this additional funding to groups working with people in Sutherland.

“We've also put notice of these monies out to voluntary groups on our e-bulletin and we're hoping to be able to provide funding for some exciting projects that can really make a difference."

A copy of the small bids application form and guidance notes are available from Jennie Rawlins, who is SDAF coordinator as part of her NHS Highland oral health improvement coordinator role. She can be contacted on 01955 609945 or by email at

The next meeting of the forum is due to be held on Monday March 2 and all applications returned before this date will be considered at that meeting.



4 Feb 2009