Gaelic Authors For New Highland Writing Initiative

Leugh sa Ghàidhlig

Sgriobhadh sa Sgìre is the name of a new Highland Gaelic writing initiative which will see published authors and established writers visiting schools to work alongside pupils.  The writers will also take in part in arts and community based events and the project will also promote Gaelic books through sales and marketing.
Chairman of The Highland Council’s Gaelic Committee, Councillor Hamish Fraser said:  “I am delighted that the Council and The Gaelic Books Council are collaborating on such an innovative development in relation to Gaelic writing. Writers and authors will be working with young people in schools and they will be involved in hosting events in various venues in the Highlands. Sgrìobhadh sa Sgìre will also participate and spearhead initiatives which aim to both boost the sales of Gaelic books and raise the profile of Gaelic books for all ages. The Council's Gaelic Language Plan states that the authority will aim to assist and develop Gaelic creative writing in schools and in the community.”

Sgrìobhadh sa Sgìre has been developed in partnership by The Highland Council and Comhairle nan Leabhraichean (the Gaelic Books Council) with additional investment support from Bòrd na Gàidhlig.

The project idea was conceived jointly by Morag Anna MacLeod, Gaelic Development Officer with The Highland Council and John Storey, Project Offficer with Comhairle nan Leabhraichean , who both recognised the importance of literature at a national and a local level.

John Storey said: "We need support to get more done for Gaelic writers and to promote Gaelic books and reading in our local communities. The Highland Council example will hopefully inspire other local authorities, and we'd welcome the chance to work on similar initiatives elsewhere."

To spearhead the initiative Tia Thomson from Nairn has been appointed on a part-time basis as Sgriobhadh sa Sgìre Project Co-ordinator. As part of her role she will be organising a new Gaelic writers in schools programme and organising Gaelic writing workshops and readings in Libraries across the Highland Council area.

Tia has worked with Gaelic Pre-school children and families in and around Nairn and also has had experience of working in publishing and bookselling.  

She said:  “I am tremendously excited about taking on the post of Project Co-ordinator for Sgriobhadh sa Sgire, and promoting new opportunities for our young people especially, but also for anyone else who thinks they might like to try.

I have seen the enthusiasm of children throughout a series of workshops in my own area, and heard about some other projects across the Highland area, especially that leading to publication of "Leabhar nan Gaidheal Oga", I think there is true value in making more such opportunities available for children, to explore their own lives, heritage and culture, and help them to express their own ideas, with confidence, and stretch their abilities.”

In June 2007 the Leabhar nan Gàidheal Òga project was launched, which resulted in a culmination of Gaelic writing produced by young people in Gaelic education across the Highlands.

Sgrìobhadh sa Sgìre is the second phase and aims to build on the work undertaken within Leabhar nan Gàidheal Òga.  This is also the second phase in a partnership between Highland Council and the Gaelic Books Council.

4 Feb 2009