Bridgend Primary switches on to solar power

Pupils at Bridgend Primary in Alness will be able to monitor how much of the energy they use is powered by the sun now a new photo-voltaic system has been installed on the roof which will generate clean and free renewable energy to the school 

They will also be able to carry out experiments and learn more about the generation of solar power thanks to a special student kit which was handed over to the school by Chairman of the Planning, Environment and Development Committee, Councillor Ian Ross.

He said:  “A priority of the Council is to look at our own estate and identify ways we can cut down on the amount of energy our buildings use.  One of the proactive things we can look at is tapping into alternative green sources of energy and I am delighted that Bridgend Primary now has the ability to use a free source of power.  It not only will bring economic benefits but will also cut down the carbon footprint of the school.  I am sure the whole school will be fascinated to learn more about the system and will enjoy seeing for themselves the savings that will be made.”

The system installed on the roof is a 4kWp photo-voltaic system which comprises of a grid connected polycrystalline array of 24 panels mounted on the flat roof. The system is expected to produce 3,500kWh per year which is similar to the needs of a typical house.  If this is achieved the demand of the school for electricity will be reduced and approximately 1.5T of CO2 will be offset each year.
The installation was carried out by Solar Century Limited as part of a government framework agreement and half of the £22,000.00 cost was paid through a Government grant.

Head Teacher of the 252 pupil school, Mr Ewan Scott said: “This is an exciting development, which will help our children develop a greater understanding of the need to conserve the earth’s valuable resources.”

The Highland Council was one of the first of Scotland's 32 Local Authorities to sign Scotland’s Climate Change Declaration in 2007 and then reaffirmed its commitment to delivering greener and more efficient services in the Highlands by re-signing the Declaration in May last year.

6 Feb 2009