Ace for Alan at Golspie

Alan Clark, The Highland Council’s  Active Schools Manager (centre), stole the show at the Council’s autumn golf outing at Golspie Golf Course on Friday 30 September.

Alan not only led his three-man team to victory to lift the Sutherland Cup but he also recorded a hole in one.

Facing into the teeth of a strong wind at the tricky 16th hole, Alan holed his 5-iron with a splendid shot which bounced once before disappearing into the hole. 

His team-mates from the Education Culture and Sport Service were Willie  “Hook“ Mackay, Dornoch (left) and John Bruce, Inverness. 

The threesome pipped Sutherland County Committee Chairman Francis Keith’s team on a count back of strokes after a tie on 138 (two of the three better net scores counting). Councillor Keith was joined by Anne MacRae, Golspie, and Bob MacFadyen, Fortrose.

20 Apr 2006