Skye Road Meeting

A constructive meeting was held yesterday (Thursday 5th February) between Transport Scotland, The Highland Council and Scotland Transerv to discuss a number of issues regarding the Winter Service and road maintenance on the A87 Trunk Road on Skye.

Scotland Transerv confirmed that they had identified a number of localised areas on the A87 which were causing concern and have implemented a regime of additional salting at these specific locations to reduce the risk of ice formation

Transport Scotland confirmed that the level of Winter Service treatment on the A87 Trunk Road is to the same standard as the rest of the Scottish Trunk Road network.

This standard requires that each precautionary treatment is undertaken within a period of 2 hours and is completed in advance of the forecasted adverse weather conditions. To achieve this and to react to developing conditions Scotland Transerv winter operatives work round the clock on a shift system.

In addition the weather conditions are monitored on a 24/7 basis from a winter control room to monitor updated weather forecast information and review actual road conditions from multiple monitoring sites.

Through the weekly inspections and regular site visits from staff Scotland Transerv and Transport Scotland are aware of the condition of the A87 Trunk Road on Skye.

To ensure the safety of the road user Scotland Transerv are reacting to the conditions by means of temporary and permanent road patching, and are in the process of completing an action plan to deal with longer term repairs, for implementation following this winter period.

All parties will continue to work closely to serve the people of Skye.

6 Feb 2009