Public to be consulted on expansion of 'Operation Respect'

The Highland Council is to canvas communities around Inverness to establish support and potential demand for the expansion of a public safety initiative called ‘Operation Respect’.

This joint public/private sector initiative aimed to maximise public safety while enhancing the visitor experience to Inverness City during the recent Winter Festival from November 2008 to January 2009.

The Highland Council, Northern Constabulary, Street Pastors, Stagecoach, Business Improvement District (BID Co), Scottish License Trade Association Members, and Scottish Ambulance Service all participated in the project bringing about a number of key achievements including:

Increased levels of policing in the city centre saw a rise in the number of
crimes recorded between 2007/08 and 2008/09, through:

Chairman of The Highland Council’s Inverness City Committee Provost Jimmy Gray said: “We are doing all that we can with our partner agencies to ensure that everyone can have a safe visit to Inverness during the winter evenings – however, I would also urge the public to support our efforts by taking responsibility for their own actions.”

Northern Constabulary’s Inverness Area Commander Chief Inspector Julian Innes said: “Operation Respect is an excellent example of interested parties who have a genuine desire to improve the overall safety and the environment of the city centre.

“By coming together and working closely we can continue to achieve positive results. I am keen to build on this partnership approach in the future. The aim of this initiative was to create and safe environment for people to enjoy themselves during the Winter Festival period. This I believe was successfully achieved.”

Members of The Highland Council’s Inverness City Committee have agreed that the format for Operation Respect will be assessed for use in other urban and rural communities within the City Committee Wards and that a report will be brought back to the next City Committee on 20 April 2009.

For further information please contact: David Haas, City Manager, The Highland Council tel: (01463) 724201

9 Feb 2009