HMIe Report on Plockton Primary School and Nursery Class

Plockton Primary and Nursery School have received an overall positive inspection report from HM Inspectors who visited the school in November 2008 as part of a national sample of primary education, covering key aspects of the school’s work at all stages.

The report stated that the nursery provided a happy environment for pupils and noted that the children played well together, sharing and taking turns. Children’s experiences were good as was the way by which the nursery met the children’s learning needs.

In the Gaelic-medium class, the inspectors noted that the children were making good progress in listening, talking, reading and writing. They commended the fact that children had been writing play scripts and then confidently acting out their plays. They also noted that in the English-medium class the children’s skills in ICT were highly developed, and children were making satisfactory progress in English language and Mathematics. Across the school children responded well to a wide range of effective opportunities to improve their achievements.

Inspectors judged that the school had strengths including:

The use of music in the Gaelic-medium class to promote and develop learning in language and number work was highlighted as an example of good practice.

However, several important areas for improvement were identified. These were to:-

Niall MacKinnon, head teacher said: “I am very pleased that the inspectors have recognised the strengths of some of our recent active work in developing wider experiences in the nursery, ICT in the curriculum and Gaelic medium education.”

Laurence Young, Senior Education Officer – Ross, Skye & Lochaber Area, acknowledged the hard work of the staff and head teacher.  He said that the education authority would now work with the head teacher and school staff to implement the areas for improvement outlined in the report. 

The school and the education authority have been asked to prepare a report on improvements in self evaluation and leadership within one year of publication of the HMIE report.  Thereafter, HM Inspectors will consider whether or not to carry out any further inspection visits.  Parents will be informed about the progress made.

10 Feb 2009