Highland children benefit from Lottery payout

Over 4,000 children in Highland pre-school education are receiving all weather suits just in time for playing in the snow.

As part of Highland Council’s ‘Rain Starts Play’ project, every pre-school centre in the Highlands is being equipped with waterproof suits and wellington boots to enable staff to take children outside for play and learning.

Television viewers across the Highlands successfully voted for the Scottish regional People’s Millions TV contest for £80,000 Big Lottery Funding to pay for all weather gear for children.

The all weather suits have been arriving at per-school centres over the last ten days and groups of children clad in red rain suits have been spotted out and about in Inverness, Resolis and elsewhere throughout the Highlands.

Councillor Bill Fernie, Chairman of The Highland Council’s Education, Culture and Sport Committee said: “Snow - not rain - has started play for our pre-school children. It’s great that they are getting suited and booted in time to play out in the snow before it all disappears. The beauty of this all-weather equipment is that it will allow our children to play out of doors all year round no matter what the weather.”

For further information please contact: Sam Brogan, Resource Manager (Early Years), The Highland Council tel: 01463 711176

10 Feb 2009