Cromarty Firth Ward explores help available to those feeling the credit crunch

The Highland Cromarty Firth Ward Forum will meet on Thursday 26th February at the Kiltearn Parish Church Hall in Balconie Street, Evanton. The focus at this month’s meeting will be the credit crunch and help that is available to those feeling the effects of it.

Pat Sproul, Highland Council’s Senior Money Advice Officer will be at the meeting along with representatives of Ross and Cromarty Citizens Advice Bureau. They will outline what sort of help is available to individuals from all walks of life facing difficulties in the credit crunch.

Councillor Mike Finlayson who will be chairing the meeting said:  “We read about the credit crunch every day and see more and more how it is affecting people locally. It is really important that everybody knows what help there is out there and how to get it and also that people understand that no one should be ashamed to seek help.”

The forum will start at 7.30pm with teas and coffees served from 7pm.

Anyone who would like to submit questions in advance of the meeting or has any special requirements or needs to help them take part should contact Ward Manager, Helen Ross at Invergordon Service Point or by phoning 01349 855524 or by e-mailing

10 Feb 2009