Fort William Waterfront – Conclusion of Missives expected

Conclusion of missives is expected shortly with Fort William Waterfront Ltd, The Highland Council’s preferred developers of the Waterfront project in the West Highland town.

The signing of the missives will allow the developer to proceed to appoint consultants, which will allow their planning application to be progressed.

The missives contain conditions which protect the interests of the council and ensure that the public is fully consulted on the design brief which will include the location, co-location, design and materials for the various key buildings on the Waterfront including the supermarket, housing, library, restaurant and promenade before the planning application is submitted.

The suspensive conditions make it categorically clear that the following work must be addressed  before a planning application is submitted:-

The development and lease agreements must be agreed no later than 18 months after the scoping date. The same deadline is in place for entering into agreement for lease/sale with supermarket operator and for the release of all Council obligations from Lochaber House/Tweeddale House leases at no cost to the Council.

Fort William Waterfront Ltd (FWWL) have confirmed that they have tendered for professional consultants to carry out the various studies and pre-application investigations required including the environmental impact assessment and are ready to proceed once the missives have been signed.

At the same time the Council has tendered for consultants to carry out the wider study from the West End Roundabout to the Underwater Centre which will provide the plans for future developments including the marina

The consortium have also confirmed that they are intending to meet the South Lochaber Association of Community Councils on 17 February as agreed at the December public meeting.

11 Feb 2009