Broadford Primary gets the Blues during Village Clean up

Broadford Primary School carried out a village clean up with a difference on Monday. Braving snow underfoot all the pupils took a turn at being Waste Warriors during the course of the day, not only cleaning up the village but also separating out and recording items that can be recycled in the new Blue Bins.

The event was organised by the school’s Eco School coordinator, Sarah MacLennan, and throughout the day pupils were accompanied by The Highland Council’s Waste Awareness Assistant for Skye and Lochalsh, Phil Dewar, as well as their own teachers, teaching assistants and a number of parents.

Broadford Primary, which achieved its first Eco School Green Award last year, was keen to highlight the recycling message, particularly during a week when the school own Blue Bins will be collected for the first time. The pupils used the data collected to create graphs to show what could have been recycled.

A total of 176 drink cans were collected, 16 food tins, 64 items of paper and 164 plastic bottles. The children were horrified to realise that the cans and bottle figures would be almost equivalent to each child in the school going out and dropping 2 cans and 2 bottles each!

Equipment for use during the clean up was provided by Keep Scotland Beautiful and The Highland Council.

For further information please contact: Phil Dewar, Waste Management Assistant (Awareness Raising), The Highland Council, TEC Services, Tel. 01478 612727

11 Feb 2009