Public Art Project

Community art groups from Hilton, Strathdearn and Merkinch have been invited to Inverness Museum & Art Gallery this week to work with artists Dean Melville and Brian MacBeath to create their own portraits inspired by the current exhibition ‘Very Important Portraits’.

Participants have been asked to bring along a photograph or image of somebody that they feel is important to them.  They will be given a short talk on the portrait exhibition, which includes important historical figures like Mary Queen of Scots and Bonnie Prince Charlie, and then through the guidance of Dean and Brian they will spend the day creating their own Very Important Portraits.

The workshops are part of a much bigger national Big Draw! Campaign for Drawing, designed simply “to get everyone drawing”. The Campaign for Drawing was initiated in 2000 and since then each October over 1500 events across the UK demonstrates drawing's power to make people see, think, invent, act and enjoy.

Organised by The Highland Council’s Community Learning and Leisure Service, the workshops will be run over three days 5th – 6th October and will culminate in a display of the participants work on Saturday 8th October at Inverness Museum and Art Gallery.


20 Apr 2006