No messing in Ness-side

Council officers reported that in January six fixed penalty fines of £40 each were issued to dog owners who failed to clean up after their dogs in the Council’s Ness-side Ward. Three of the penalty notices were issued in Balloan playing fields, where the Council has situated two dispensers of bags for collecting dog waste.  One fixed penalty was issued in Castle Heather Park, one in Macdonald Park and another in Johnstone Place. 

The Ness-side Ward was targeted during January in a bid to tackle the persistent problem of dog fouling.  While the Council wishes to praise the majority of dog owners who act responsibly and clean up after their pets, there is continued dismay at the minority who flout the law.

Ness-side Ward Councillor John Finnie, who pressed for action at the known trouble spots in the Ward, said: “Dog fouling is not only a nuisance with unwelcome consequences for other members of the community but is also a health risk wherever it happens.  It is particularly disappointing when owners allow their pets to foul in parks and other recreational areas where children go to play.  Rest assured that we will continue to act effectively to deal with this by issuing these fixed penalty notices to dog owners who disregard the law.”

Spot checks are to continue in the Ness-side Ward, while the approach of targeting particular areas is to be rolled out to other Wards.

Information on regular offenders in the Ness-side Ward (and in the Inverness, Nairn and Badenoch & Strathspey Area generally) can be provided to the Council by telephoning (01463) 702000.  Ideally, the Council would like to know where and at what time of day this usually happens.


If you wish further information or to set up a photo with Councillor Finnie and our Education & Enforcement officer, Peter Taylor, please contact our Ward Manager, Stewart Wardlaw on 01463 724378.

The Inverness Ness-side Ward Councillors are:-

16 Feb 2009