Outstanding Inspection Report For Inverie Primary

One of Scotland’s most rural schools - Inverie Primary School, Knoydart – has received an outstanding report card from Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Education.

The five-pupil school has been commended for its attainment in English language; an interesting and varied curriculum which helped motivate pupils; an enthusiastic, courteous and very well behaved pupils; high quality teaching; supportive parents; a helpful school board and good leadership and a sense of commitment and teamwork amongst all staff.

In an outstanding report, the Inspectors judged that all aspects of the work of the school represented very good or good practice. They recognised the very high quality of teaching and learning and the very good ethos in the school.

The Inspectors also made one recommendation for the school and the authority. The school accommodation and facilities were judged to be good but minor health and safety issues connected with the property should be addressed. The school will work closely with the authority to overtake these.

Commenting on the reports Eilidh Klemm, Head Teacher said: "I am very pleased with the report and I feel it reflects the positive ethos of the school, the opportunities we provide for all children to achieve, positive teamwork and partnership with the parents and community and our commitment to improving the school. Our thanks go to the children, parents and the wider community for their continued support."

Highland Councillor for the area, Charlie King, said he was delighted with the report.

"This confirms the high regard in which the school is held in the local community and my congratulations go to the Head Teacher and her staff. My only message to them is to keep up the good work.

25 Apr 2006