Beat the winter blues with Highland Council Rangers

A New Year guided walk and nature ramble is being organised by The Highland Council’s Rangers around Boat of Garten to help people shrug off the winter blues.
On Wednesday 7th January from 11am to 1pm, Council Countryside Ranger for Badenoch & Strathspey North, Saranne Bish will meet participants at the Post Office in Boat of Garten (Gird Reference: NH 942 189)

She says: “With the festive season over the winter blues can often set in. I am inviting folks to take a winter nature ramble to see what other living things are up to in the great outdoors on this invigorating walk around Boat of Garten.

“This is a lovely walk through the woods and down to the river which cannot fail to lift your spirits! Hopefully we’ll see all sorts out and about surviving their winter.”

Participants should wear Wellington boots as the riverside path is wet at this time of year.

This event which is organised as part of The Highland Council’s Planning and Development Services countryside events programme is suitable for individuals and family groups and is free to attend.  For further information please telephone 01479 873 914.

The Highland Council Countryside Rangers are a partnership between The Highland Council and Scottish Natural Heritage with the aim of promoting public enjoyment and appreciation of the countryside and conserving wildlife.

5 Jan 2009