School closures in the Highlands

Fifteen Primary schools throughout the Highlands are closed or partially closed today (Monday 5th January, 2009).

All the schools have been affected by the cold weather and either have burst pipes or heating problems.

The schools affected are:

• Caithness, Sutherland and Easter Ross:

o Reay and Ardross Primaries - burst pipes;
o Lairg Primary and Park Primary, Invergordon - heating problems;
o Lochinver Primary School – (pre-school nursery closed) due to burst pipes flooding and damage.

• Ross, Skye and Lochaber:

o Ferintosh and Tarradale Primaries - heating problems
o St. Clements School - burst pipes and no heating

• Inverness, Nairn, Badenoch and Strathspey:

o Abernethy; Beauly; Cannich Bridge; and Tomnacross Primaries – burst pipes
o Central Primary (Nursery) and Muirtown Primary – no heating;
o Invergarry Primary is closed today to primary pupils only due to burst pipes in a demountable building which is used by primary pupils. Primary pupils will relocate to the GP room tomorrow until the building is ready for use. The nursery is open.

Highland Council’s Director of Education, Culture and Sport, Hugh Fraser said: “Guidance is issued annually prior to the Christmas holiday period and staff take all possible precautions in relation to the fabric of school buildings. In the Highland area we have had a prolonged period of sub-zero temperatures which has led to some frost damage in 12 schools.  These are largely older buildings and in rural settings.”

He added: “The vast bulk of our 215 school buildings are fully functional and have not suffered any damage. Council staff have responded very quickly and have been working to repair and reinstate the affected areas.”

5 Jan 2009