Applications Invited for Highland Cultural Programme

The Highland Council is inviting applications from event organisers to the Highland Culture Programme, which has been established to provide an annual fund of £500,000 in grants for projects and events building upon the success of Highland 2007.

Initially referred to as the Highland 2007 Legacy Fund, this grant programme has been renamed the Highland Culture Programme following the refining and updating of application criteria.

The Highland Culture Programme aims to enhance and support the promotion of the events, festivals and cultural programme of the Highlands. Community organisations, promoters, artists, performers, youth groups and schools are now being encouraged to create their own legacy of Highland 2007 and to submit their applications by the closing date of 6 February 2009.

Councillor Sandy Park, Convener of The Highland Council, said: “During Highland 2007, event organisers across the area produced a wonderfully diverse programme of events and projects showcasing the traditional and contemporary culture of the Highlands. The Highland Culture Programme has been created as a long term legacy of Highland 2007, building on the momentum generated by the year of Highland culture. Over 50 applicants were offered funding from the first round of the programme, under the fund’s previous name of the Highland 2007 Legacy Fund, and competition is likely to be high for this second round of the programme. As well as helping to showcase the vibrant culture of the Highlands to residents and visitors alike, the fund has supported an exciting range of projects and events forming part of the Highland contribution to Homecoming Scotland’s celebrations in 2009.”

For a copy of the updated guidelines for applicants and the new application form for the Highland Culture Programme, visit

For more information about the Programme, please contact Fiona Hampton on 01463 702007 or at

7 Jan 2009