Work To Start On Upgrading Fort Augustus Toilets

Visitors and locals in Fort Augustus will soon be able to benefit from new public toilet facilities with the green light also given to start replacing the public toilets in Thurso.

Members of The Highland Council’s TECS Committee agreed that these two projects would be progressed as a priority, and further work be carried out to find the best sites for new toilet facilities in Invergordon and Ullapool. 

Last year Members of the Committee agreed to set aside £300,000 each year in the capital programme for the refurbishment and replacement of facilities.

Vice Chairman of the TECS Committee, Councillor Brian Murphy said:  “Numerous visitors, including coach parties stop to use the toilets in Fort Augustus which although serviced and cleaned on a regular basis, are not suitable for the high demand and don’t have baby changing facilities.  I am sure the new toilets will be a big bonus for the community and especially for visitors to the area.  Tourism is a vital  aspect of the local economy and providing first class toilet facilities is very important.”

Once completed the new toilets will have a full-time attendant and in line with other Council toilets, will have an admission charge of 20p.

Local Councillor Margaret Davidson said:  “Fort Augustus has waited a long time for these improvements and now that approval has been given this unlocks a series of further landscaping and other important improvements.”

Councillor Drew Hendry added:  “This is welcome news.  The communiuty and local businesses have worked very hard for this.”

Earlier in the meeting Members were told about the Council’s success in the Loo of the Year 2009 Awards. At a ceremony in Birmingham the Council won the UK’s Best Public Toilet Trophy and came first in the Local Authority Premier League.  In addition the Best Full Time Attended Award went to the public toilets in Tain.  The Portree toilets won the Best Non-Attended Category and the Best Beach Facility Award went to the public toilets in Gairloch.

Councillor Murphy who was chairing the TECS Committee had attended the Award Ceremony in Birmingham.  He said:  “It is a credit to the dedication and hard work of our staff that we have national recognition for the quality of our facilities.”  He then asked the Director to pass on sincere congratulations to everyone involved.


22 Jan 2009