Launch of Highland Physical Activity and Sport Strategy

A plan to create a healthier and more active Highlands and at the same time help talented sports people realise their full potential has been launched with the publication of the Highland PASS (Physical Activity and Sport Strategy).
The Highland Council has worked with other public agencies and voluntary organisations to produce a report which aims to create opportunities for people of all ages and all abilities to enjoy the benefits of physical activity and sport and achieve their goals.
“Let’s make Highland more active” pulls together funded programmes for physical activity, identifies opportunities for further development and sets actions plans to ensure that everyone has equal access to facilities and activities.
The minimum recommended levels of daily physical activity for children are 60 minutes of moderate activity on most days of the week. For adults, 30 minutes of moderate activity on most days of the week is deemed appropriate.
Councillor Drew Millar, Chairman of The Highland Council’s Sport and Activity Working Group, said: “This is an exciting time for sport in the United Kingdom, with the Olympic Games being staged in London in 2012 and the Commonwealth Games taking place in Glasgow and the Ryder Cup at  Gleneagles, both in 2014.
“While our strategy encompasses these athletes aspiring to compete at these events, it is also firmly aimed at providing opportunities for every resident of Highland. By bringing together strategies for physical activity and sport and improving our facilities, there are huge benefits for everyone who wants to make exercise or sport part of their lifestyle.
“Participation brings health and wellbeing to our communities and well as promoting self esteem and a sense of personal achievement.  In delivering this strategy, we are making a significant contribution to making the Highlands the best place to live in the UK.”

The strategy can be downloaded from or telephone 01463 702806.



7 Jul 2009